
  1. 审计前程序
    1. 明确解释对审计程序的期望
    2. 安排合格的专业审计人员日程并及分派他们
    3. 确定贵公司的特定需求及期望
    4. 传达有关进行成功的审计的要求
    5. 国际合规集团与贵公司之间的不披露协议
  2. 审计
    1. 当地审计师,他们了解当地法律、习俗及语言
    2. 寻求积极合规- 并非详述失败的机会
    3. 共用首屈一指的、勇于承担社会责任的公司采用的最知名实践
    4. 结构性程序
      1. 开放式会议 ·向管理方解释当天大事
      2. 进行审计
      3. 结束会议时审查调查结论、确定不合规之处,并针对纠正措施获得同意
  3. 审计后
    1. 全方位审计服务
      1. 行政概要 -阐述审计要点
      2. 详细的审计报告 –审查其质量及内容
      3. 不合规报告 – 确定改进领域
      4. 纠正措施概要 – 确保认证的计划
    2. 在无需支付额外重新审计费用的情况下,澄清许多不合规之处
    3. 及时提供全方位审计服务 – 在3个营业日以内

Reference Docs

Certification Process - GlobalGAP (updated )

Certification Process - Management Systems (updated )

Complaints and Appeals Process (updated )

GlobalG.A.P. Trademark and Logo (updated )

Impartiality Policy (updated )

Proceso de Certificación - GlobalGAP (updated )

Proceso de Certificación - Sistemas de Gestión (updated )

Suspension and Cancellation Process (updated )

Suspension and Cancellation Process - GlobalG.A.P. (updated )

Use of ICG Mark (updated )

Pre-Audit Planning

Audit Process

Assessment of Working Environment

Worker Interviews

Health And Safety

Management Interviews

Closing Meeting

Social and Environmental Compliance audits are a critical component of every company’s supply chain. ICG provides third party social compliance audits for multiple sectors worldwide, including but not limited to manufacturing, distribution, farming and food processing.

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